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Lu'an Motor Go.Ltd.inaaolleation of powerfal motorreseancn.davelopment. manutactume andsalesofemerging high-tech emerprises cawering 20million square meters . locatedin Lufan City Anhui Prowince pingqiaohigh-tech industrial park, south of 312State Hoad Norhmarinalaavestogethersixhign-speed.high-speed rallwearthe area tho traicisweny conveniemt.

The company has strong technical fonce the newCNCproduction equipment, first-class qualitytestingequipment, parfsct modam managament oymiom nllproduds accardingtointernationallEC standands rnachedthaedvencedlerelol sinlar praduct the coerpany passed thelso9oot interatonalquelity system certlicalion,1s014o01 anvironmental system certifcaton snd oecupatanalhealth a-dsafety managemartsysten certitication,and through the ccc certification end cac certiicationand Europeanceceniticatign. The company wonthe'shoucontractre-credt"enterprise the products of Luanknawnbrands, leadingproductstoppedtheNDRC andtheMinistry of Finance jaintly announced"."energy-sawing praducts Waste Management Project"o promote efficientmotor catalog.'

Companies specalizing in the production ofY2.Yxa.resultra-cfficientthree-phasc asynchromous motorseries andderivedseries YwF2. YD.YEJ otherspecial mators.Y YKkiGkwiokwihigh-pressure high-eficieneymotors.Y-400.450low-porer three-phaseasynehrenous rators has achioved thescaledlproducicn capacty

Inthe company ot "doingfine motor, abrand effeca'road ot dewelapment. adhereto the dovelppment ofnewproducls. and eonsiandy apen up newmarkets,endatrivetoachiava'adomestefret-class band reachedtheimternaticnal advanced lewel "while consolidatinguhetraditional areastoexplore new areasof themarket. therapidimcraase in domastic andinternationalmarkas providinga brsadspaenfartho davalapmant otantarprises.thecompamywill continue to cooperate whelehearledly with thetuturedevelopmentafnewandoldcustomersto createwin-win situation.newandoldcustomarsto negotiatebusinass andmade waluablesuggestions-

wie will be tirst-dlass producis .tirst-classtochnology .first-class managementandfirst-class serviceas thegoal and dedicefonlo domesttand loreign customers wihquaity producis and honest servica.

黄冈市| 沙田区| 丹江口市| 嵊泗县| 惠安县| 马尔康县| 密云县| 洛浦县| 繁峙县| 凌源市| 南京市| 林芝县| 岳西县| 滦南县| 宜宾市| 兖州市| 兰溪市| 水富县| 鄂托克前旗| 南和县| 上高县| 普定县| 昔阳县| 瑞安市| 莆田市| 丹江口市| 泸溪县| 肥城市| 荆门市| 乐业县| 万州区| 灵璧县| 万年县| 宝应县| 从化市| 紫云| 长垣县| 西贡区| 舞钢市| 六盘水市| 香河县|